Why SEO is Still Relevant in 2024

As we sail through the first few months of 2024, the digital world is still evolving at an unprecedented pace. 

We know social media has taken over and given brands a huge platform from which to reach users, advertise their products and services and improve their customer experience and engagement but this should never be at the detriment of your SEO practices. 🔎

Even with these changes and the monumental rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) still remains a crucial cornerstone of digital marketing strategies. The essence of SEO — improving website visibility, enhancing user experience, and driving organic traffic — is actually more relevant than ever, so don’t be fooled into neglecting it!

However, the tactics and practices within SEO have undergone significant transformations and should be implemented as part of your entire digital marketing strategy in order to get the best out of your website, and of course, your business. 

So, on behalf of SEO specialists everywhere, let’s go through the old SEO techniques to leave behind, the current trends to embrace, and why SEO remains indispensable in 2024.

Old SEO Techniques to Abandon 👋

Before embracing any new SEO practices, it’s important to get rid of your old habits. A new year, new SEO!

  • Keyword Stuffing: If you are still doing this, STOP! Although it was once a common practice, keyword stuffing now harms more than it helps. Search engines have become hugely adept at understanding content context, making the overuse of keywords a red flag rather than a ranking booster.
  • Building Loads of Backlinks: The focus on quantity over quality in backlink strategies is outdated in 2024. Search engines now prioritise the relevance and authority of backlinks over sheer numbers, making it essential to cultivate high-quality, meaningful connections. Remember, bigger is not always better!

Enhanced SEO Practices In 2024 🚀

It’s out with the old and in with the new, and for good SEO in 2024 you need to be able to adapt to ever-changing technology and the changes brought about by current trends. 

We know people can get stuck in old practices, but it is important to stay on top of any changes, so if you feel like you are stuck in an SEO rut, or you are not seeing the results you want, ask yourselves if you are doing any of the following: 

  • 🤖 Search engine optimisation with AI: With advancements in AI, such as Google’s new AI tool Gemini (formerly known as Bert, then BARD), search engines are now better at understanding the nuances of human language. This means be careful in your use of AI-generated copy!

Optimising your content to answer specific queries and adopting a more conversational tone can significantly improve your SEO performance. 

  • 🎤 Voice Search Optimisation: The rise of voice search demands a shift in keyword strategy. Long-tail keywords that mimic natural speech patterns are becoming increasingly important, as more users turn to voice-activated home and mobile devices for their search queries.
  • 💪 Creating High-Quality, Valuable Content: Content is still one of the most important factors for your SEO. High-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your audience will continue to be a major ranking factor. It’s not just about answering questions but doing so in a way that’s comprehensive and authoritative, as well as being enjoyable for your readers!
  • 📱Mobile-First Strategy: With the majority of searches now performed on mobile devices, a mobile-first approach is essential. Websites must be responsive, fast-loading, and easy to navigate on a small screen to meet both search engine and user expectations.
  • 🎬 Video Content: Although the use of video content has increased recently, it’s important to remember this type of content is not just about the visuals; how you title, describe, and integrate it into your page content matters significantly for SEO. Optimising video content can enhance user engagement and contribute positively to your site’s overall SEO performance.
  • 🌍 Local SEO: For businesses targeting a UK audience, local SEO is crucial. Optimising for local search queries, managing Google My Business listings, and ensuring NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) consistency across the web can dramatically increase your visibility to a local audience.
  • 🤳User-Focused Strategy: Search engines are prioritising user experience more than ever. A user-focused approach — ensuring fast page speeds, mobile usability, accessibility, and high-quality content — can significantly boost rankings and user satisfaction.
  • 📣 Structured Data & Schema Markup: Implementing structured data helps search engines understand and categorise your content better. Schema markup can enhance your presence in search results with rich snippets, which can improve click-through rates.

Why SEO Remains Indispensable

Despite the changing digital landscape, SEO’s core objective — to connect users with the most relevant, useful content — remains unchanged. This is why you shouldn’t change your perspective on how useful SEO can be for your business. 🤝

It’s a dynamic field that mirrors the advancements in technology and shifts in user behaviour. For businesses and content creators targeting local or global audiences, staying abreast of these changes, and adapting strategies accordingly is essential for sustained visibility and engagement. 

The transition from old tactics to a more sophisticated, user-centric approach underscores the enduring relevance of SEO. By focusing on quality, relevance, and user experience, businesses can navigate the complexities of SEO in 2024 and beyond, ensuring their digital presence is both visible and valuable to their target audience.

In summary, SEO in 2024 is about embracing change, focusing on quality, and putting the user first. By shedding outdated practices and adopting strategies that align with current trends, businesses can ensure that their SEO efforts are both effective and future-proof. 🎉

Of course, you could just ask us! [email protected] 

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